Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wed group ride

Apparently C. Manthe thought it would be fun to take the big dirt-diesel and company South of Hwy 10 for a little climbing clinic. He managed to piece together a route with 2,600 feet of total elevation gain. After the first few climbs the group got chiseled down to 10 or so riders; who all seemed to be in the mood for good old fashion suffering. Ironically I was the one least interested in the suffering and probably did the most of it. I was plenty happy to get back to the flats and rollers where I was able to hold my own. Had enough juice in the tank to have some fun in the sprint with Jim and Steve. Check out the Garmin file here.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, we never got south of ten, the hills are even bigger down there!
