Friday, July 16, 2010

Time to breathe

BC bike race + co-race director for Eau Claire's Firecracker (WORS #6) = no time! Now that both are in the books, there is a little more time to take a trip down memory lane (or at least whats left of my memory at this point).

BC Race

  • Troy - 2010 Santa Cruz TallBoy. Full suspension all carbon 29r. 22.5 lbs

  • Jim - 2009 Custom Sisu. Full suspension steel 29r. 27 lbs

  • Tires - Geaxsaguaroo......could have used a little more meat


    OTR Racing (On The Rivet).....more to come on that subject, but check out the sweet kits

Race details:

  • approximately 43,000 feet of climbing

  • 40k to 70k per day

  • 4-6 hours in the saddle per day

  • 3,600 - 5,000kilojouless per day

  • pitches as steep as 35 degrees

  • 7 days total riding, plus a prologuee

  • drops, rocks, table tops, massive roots, bridges, berms, service roads, unrideable down hills, countless dismounts, hour long hike-a-bikes (repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat). Nastiest trails I have ever seen and certainly nothing like what they show on theInternett or in magazines!

  • 21 countries represented

  • one fast unicycle who could ride almost anything

  • lots of ferry crossings

Brand new Sidi Dragon 2s. No blisters and no more pretty bottoms
Sweet kits....not so good looking of a guy

Aid station in the mountains. Cookies, bars, chips, energy drinks, Gu packs and lots of fresh fruit. Not a time to be worrying about calories

No, it's not a post card. Rained one morning otherwise in the 70's everyday.

Another sweet kit. I assume Jim was sideways when he decided to do a little sight seeing on one of the nasty decents and lost the line over the bars. Only blood of the week.

Picture is worth a thousand words.

Jim was kind enough to back off the throttle and ride with me the entire week. Every so often he would jet up a climb and snap a pic.

He is closer to being a pro photographer than racer.

How cool is this pic?

Base Camp for those that thought camping in a two person tent was a good idea after riding their bike all day long. Jim and I were hotel weenies.

If it wasn't for the logging, you would swear man has never stepped foot here

Jim......all smiles all the time.

Watch for an updated counter on the blog. If it pops up, it means I am going back for another week of BC.

Firecracker recap: 8 minutes, rolled tire off the rim. Race over.

Thanks for reading......Troy


  1. I love to go there in the woods, it's very relaxing. The air that you can breathe there is so pure and clean.

  2. Looks like it was a whole lot of fun! I have always wanted to go biking and explore amazing places I could go through by chance but unfortunately I can't really have enough time for outdoor activities. Too bad for me! How I wish I could have been an extravagant like this.
